Tips for Successfully Moving With Pets Part 1: Before Moving Day

moving serviceMoving is a common life event for most people. In fact, 11.2% of the U.S. population moved between 2015 and 2016 alone. But it’s not just an important life event for people, but for people’s pets, too. Moving can be especially stressful for animals, which is why it’s essential for you to ensure your pet is happy and comfortable when moving. To help you prepare for moving your pets, this two-part series is going to discuss some important moving tips.

Talk to your vet: Talking to your vet before a move is important for a few reasons. First, your vet may be able to recommend medication or tactics to help your pet feel less stressed during the move. And if you’re moving to a new area and need a new vet, your current vet may be able to recommend someone in your new area. You should also make sure your pet’s prescriptions and shots are up-to-date to ensure they have everything for the move.

Update your pet’s information: Just like how you need to update your information on your driver’s license and bills, your pet’s information needs to be updated as well. Whether it’s their address through the vet, the information on their ID tag or microchip, or their emergency contact information, all of this should be updated before the move. This way, everything is correct by the time you arrive at your new place.

Make necessary travel accommodations: Your moving services are going to take care of relocating all of your belongings, but it’s up to you to make sure travel accommodations are made for your pet. While some of your pet’s stuff can be moved by your movers, you should determine the best way possible to get your pet to the new place. If possible, keep your pet with you so you can help them remain calm. But if you have to fly or travel a long distance, you need to figure out what the best option for your pet is regarding travel arrangements.

So while you’re taking important steps for the move, like hiring a moving service and buying packing supplies, keep these tips in mind as well. In the next part of this two-part series, we’ll talk more about how to keep your pet comfortable during the move.